Roommate Resources
What else can help you find a roommate in New York City? We'll be constantly adding resources below.
Rental Rate Information
We're putting together some statistics to give you an idea of how expensive it is to rent an apartment in New York City. We'll post that data here once we're done! In the meantime, check out these sources:
Neighborhood Safety Maps
What parts of New York City are the safest to live in? What neighborhoods are the most dangerous? View our maps to help determine the safest neighborhoods in NYC.
Roommate Questionnaire
What types of things should you be considering when looking to live with a roommate? From the person to the apartment to the neighborhood, check our our Roommate Questionnaire for help.
Roommate Listing Scams
When looking at roommate listings online, you need to a bit skeptical. To help you from getting scammed, please read our tips for roommate listings.